Langeroo V1.3 Released

Langeroo V1.3 Released

We’re pleased to announce the release of Langeroo version 1.3 which went live yesterday morning. This version is a result of direct feedback from our teachers and experts who suggested that we made improvements to the fonts within the games and activities. Before...
Record of Achievement

Record of Achievement

At Langeroo, we know that ‘Assessment’ is always top of the agenda in schools (and how time consuming it can be for teachers). Great News! We have been listening to teacher feedback – always very important to us – and have introduced a simple but very...
Langeroo V1.2 Released

Langeroo V1.2 Released

Chaos Created and UK2U Education are pleased to announce the release of version 1.2 of Langeroo. The majority of the changes in this version are geared towards making our popular Scene Maker activity more useful and easier to use on interactive whiteboards and...