Version 3.2.0 of Langeroo Adventures is now rolling out on Windows 10 (PC and Mobile), iOS, Android, and Amazon Fire tablets. This update builds upon our recent major release that introduced support for learning Spanish and Welsh (in addition to English) and the release of three new island games – Lemur Woods, Bug Hill and Parrot Skies.

You should automatically get this update in the coming hours, but you can force the update by visiting the store links on your device (links at the bottom of this post).



  • Oyster Ocean can now be played with the Spanish and Welsh alphabets.
  • Letters containing accents and special characters now have their own bubble animations, meaning our spelling games (Lemur Woods and Crab Waterfall) now use these words too and include these characters within the multiple choice answers.

Download Langeroo Adventures today, for FREE!

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