Version 3.0.10 of Langeroo Adventures is now rolling out on the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 devices (PC and Mobile), the iOS App Store, the Google Play Store for Android and the Amazon App Store for Kindle Fire tablets.

You should automatically get this update in the coming hours, but you can force the update by visiting the store links on your device (links at the bottom of this post).

This update builds on the major update we released recently which included new games and support for learning additional languages. Please click here for details about our last major update.

We’re looking forward to adding new games and support for learning additional languages in the new year.


  • The addition of a new monthly subscription option to Langeroo Adventures for use in schools, libraries, and other educational settings where Langeroo Adventures may be installed on multiple devices within one location. Please visit for more information and to claim a free trial.
  • Improvements and fixes in both Crab Waterfall and Lemur Woods to handle words containing accented letters.
  • You can now repeat the word you are spelling in Crab Waterfall. Simply click on the picture to hear the word again.
    Correction to the Welsh translation of “bad knee”.

Download Langeroo Adventures today, for FREE!

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Download from the Google Play Store
Download from Amazon
Download on Windows 10 (PC and Mobile)