We’ve just launched a brand new Langeroo demo, allowing you to use the entire On The Farm topic, free of charge, with your class or children.
Head on over to https://www.langeroo.com/play/demo/ and use Langeroo today.
You can play, with no time restrictions, with all the games and activities within the On The Farm topic, including our popular Scene Maker, our Click on Games, our (printable) Flashcards and Wordbank tools and more.
Langeroo is great for teaching English to Early Years children, EAL learners and SEN pupils. Many topics also have cross-curriculum uses too (click here for some teaching ideas).
If you do decide to subscribe, we’re offering special discounts for new subscriptions.
SCHOOLS – Use discount code relaunchS to save money on school subscriptions (From £19.99 per month to £14.99 per month).
NURSERIES – Use discount code relaunchN to save money on nursery subscriptions (From £12.99 per month to £9.99 per month).
ANNUAL PLAN – Special rate of £130 per year – use our offer code earlyadopter.