The British National Curriculum Foundation Stage for Early Years Education (3 to 5 year olds/English first language) for Communication, Language and Literacy states that:
‘Children’s learning and competence in communicating, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write must be supported and extended. They must be provided with opportunity and encouragement to use their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes, and be supported in developing the confidence and disposition to do so’.
Langeroo English activities support the following British National Curriculum Early Learning Goals:-
• Interact with others, negotiating plans and activities and taking turns in conversation.
Wordbank, Click On Game, Teaching Flashcards, Word Labels and Scene Maker.
• Enjoy listening to and using spoken and written language, and readily turn to it in their play and learning.
Wordbank, Click On Game, Teaching Flashcards, Flashcards Game, Word Labels and Scene Maker.
• Sustain attentive listening, responding to what they have heard with relevant comments, questions or actions.
Wordbank, Click On Game, Teaching Flashcards, Flashcards Game, Word Labels and Scene Maker.
• Extend their vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words.
Wordbank, Click On Game, Teaching Flashcards, Flashcards Game, Word Labels and Scene Maker.
• Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.
Wordbank, Teaching Flashcards, Flashcards Game, Word Labels and Scene Maker.
• Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences.
Teaching Flashcards and Scene Maker (Langeroo Level 3)
• Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
Teaching Flashcards and Scene Maker (Langeroo Level 3)
• Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which they occur.
Wordbank and Click On Game.
• Explore and experiment with sounds, words and texts.
Wordbank, Click On Game, Word Labels and Scene Maker.
• Read a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently.
Wordbank, Click On Game, Flashcards Game, Word Labels and Scene Maker.
• Know that print carries meaning and, in English, is read from left to right and top to bottom.
Wordbank, Click On Game, Teaching Flashcards, Flashcards Game and Word labels
Langeroo English activities and lesson plans also support the following British National Curriculum Early Learning Goals.
• Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
• Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts
• Count reliably up to ten everyday objects
• Recognise numerals 1 to 9
• Use language such as ‘more’ or ‘less’ to compare two numbers
• Use language such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the shape and size of solid and flat shapes.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
• Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary.
• Select the tools and techniques they need to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.
• Find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and communication technology and programmable toys to support their learning.
• Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world.
• Find out about their environment, and talk about those features they like and dislike.
• Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people.
Langeroo English activities and lesson plans support the following British National Curriculum Key Stage 1(5 to 7 year olds/English first language) learning goals:-
Speaking and listening: during key stage 1, pupils learn to speak clearly, thinking about the needs of their listeners. They work in small groups and as a class, joining in discussions and making relevant points. They also learn how to listen carefully to what other people are saying, so that they can remember the main points. They learn to use language in imaginative ways and express their ideas and feelings when working in role and drama activities.
• Speak with clear diction and appropriate intonation
• Choose words with precision
• Organise what they say
• Focus on the main point(s)
• Include relevant detail
• Take into account the needs of their listeners.
• Sustain concentration
• Remember specific points that interest them
• Make relevant comments
• Listen to others’ reactions
• Ask questions to clarify their understanding
• Identify and respond to sound patterns in language (e.g. alliteration, rhyme and word play)
Group discussion and interaction
• Take turns in speaking
• Relate their contributions to what has gone on before
• Take different views into account
• Extend their ideas in the light of discussion
• Give reasons for opinions and actions.
• Use language and actions to explore and convey situations, characters and emotions
• Create and sustain roles individually and when working with others
• Comment constructively on drama they have watched or in which they have taken part.
Langeroo English activities and lesson plans support the following British National Curriculum Key Stage 1(5 to 7 year olds/English first language) learning goals for ICT
During key stage 1, pupils explore ICT and learn to use it confidently and with purpose to achieve specific outcomes. They start to use ICT to develop their ideas and record their creative work. They become familiar with hardware and software.
Knowledge, skills and understanding
• retrieve information that has been stored [for example, using a CD-ROM, loading saved work].
Developing ideas and making things happen
• to use text, tables, images and sound to develop their ideas
• how to select from and add to information they have retrieved for particular purposes
• to try things out and explore what happens in real and imaginary situations [for example, trying out different colours on an image, using an adventure game or simulation].
Exchanging and sharing information
• how to share their ideas by presenting information in a variety of forms [for example, text, images, tables, sounds]
• to present their completed work effectively [for example, for public display].
Breadth of study
• exploring a variety of ICT tools [for example, floor turtle, word processing software, adventure game]
• talking about the uses of ICT inside and outside school.