The Activities

Each topic in Langeroo English consists of a collection of activities and games that promote explorative learning and purposeful play. All of the topic words in Langeroo English have a matching picture, spoken word and written word.


clickongame flashcardTeach flashcardGame
Click on Game

Listen to the question. Click on the correct object.

Flashcards Teaching

A teaching tool that creates flashcards that the teacher can slide away when the children have repeated and learnt the word.
Flashcards Game

A multiple choice version of the Flashcards Teaching Tool. The child will hear a word, and must click on the correct card.

sceneMaker wordBank label
Scene Maker

Great open ended activity/tool with many uses for teaching and learning. The child can create their own scene, add labels from the drop down list or create their own labels in any language. Scenes can be printed.

Word Bank

A collection of cards containing all of the words from the topic with and without sound. The cards may be printed and used as flashcards or posters.

Word Labels

The child should guess the label before clicking on the card to reveal and hear the word. Perfect for class interaction.



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