Version 1.0.21 of Langeroo Adventures is now rolling out on Windows 10 (PC and Mobile) and Android.

You should automatically get this update in the coming hours, but you can force the update by visiting the store links on your device (links at the bottom of this post).



Tortoise Beach
Adjustments to the timings in generating the thought bubbles (which also addresses some stability issues in the original Android release), the waking of the tortoises, and we’ve made some improvements to the UI. Also added a “yawn” sound effect to the tortoises, and we’ve adjusted the feedback (right/wrong) timings.

Oyster Ocean
Improved feedback animation timings on Oyster Ocean, along with a faster answering process across the entire challenge.


We’re hard at work on adding a new mode to Oyster Ocean, along with work on the next two games to join Langeroo Island! Langeroo Adventures will also be launching on iOS and Kindle Fire in the coming days!

Download Langeroo Adventures today, for FREE!

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Download on the iOS App Store
Download from the Google Play Store
Download from Amazon
Download on Windows 10 (PC and Mobile)