Version 3.0.10 of Langeroo Adventures is now rolling out on the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 devices (PC and Mobile), the iOS App Store, the Google Play Store for Android and the Amazon App Store for Kindle Fire tablets.

You should automatically get this update in the coming hours, but you can force the update by visiting the store links on your device (links at the bottom of this post).

We’re incredibly excited to share this update with you! It’s a really big update, with three new island games and support for the learning of Spanish and Welsh (in addition to English), with more languages to follow.


Support for learning new languages

  • This update includes the addition of two new languages! As well as learning early-years English words, you can now play all our games to learn Spanish and Welsh words (with audio from native speakers)! Every single word in Langeroo Adventures has supporting audio in Spanish and Welsh. Simply select the language you would like to use from the main map screen (instructions remain in English). We are working to add other modern foreign languages soon including French. We’d love your feedback on this.
  • There’s brand new audio for English words too! Every single word has been re-recorded to improve clarity.

Three new island adventure games

  • This update includes a brand new game, Lemur Woods. Learn spelling words by telling the lemur which branches to jump to.
  • This update includes a brand new game, Bug Hill. Learn counting (up to 10). Break the coconut, round up the insects, and then count them. We’ll be expanding our numeracy games in our next release.
  • This update includes a brand new tool, Parrot Skies. Parrot Skies is a flashcards-type tool, allowing words to be seen and heard, alongside their picture, allowing words to be learnt and practised in English, Spanish and Welsh. This tool is a great way to learn words in a topic before playing games with those words.

Other Changes

  • Playing Tortoise beach with Family words now only includes non-ambiguous words. The full set of Family words can be played with in our other games. We’ve also restricted certain combinations of words to improve our word-matching games.
  • A bug has been addressed in Crab Waterfall that could cause the crab to rotate or move off screen.
  • New jumping animations in Oyster Ocean to indicate which bubble the player has popped.
  • A bug has been addressed in Oyster Ocean that could cause an incorrect number of bubbles to spawn.
  • Spelling games now have an eight letter limit (ten for Spanish) to improve gameplay.
  • Improvements to prevent overlapping audio and to improve audio quality.
  • General improvements with word audio, making it easier to have a word repeated to you (simply click the word-picture in any of the spelling games) and work to prevent multiple word audio files overlapping.

We’re busy readying a new game for December too!

Download Langeroo Adventures today, for FREE!

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